CBA體測標準高嗎 折返跑滿分線堪比NBA球隊及格線

來源:新京報2024-09-20 22:33

2024-2025 CBA preseason will start simultaneously in multiple regions on September 20th. According to the guidelines for athlete technical and physical fitness testing (hereinafter referred to as "fitness testing") issued by the Chinese Basketball Association, only athletes who meet the fitness testing standards will be eligible to participate in the preseason and regular season matches. In addition to the central fitness testing that ended on September 17th, there will be one opportunity for makeup testing before the preseason and after the 5th round of the regular season. On September 19th, the first makeup testing was conducted, and players such as Ren Junfei and He Xining passed the test. For the other players who did not pass, there is only one last chance to participate in the new season of the CBA league.

Compared with the previous seasons in terms of the testing range, number of exemptions, testing items, and makeup testing times, this season's CBA fitness testing is equally difficult and strict as in 2013, but with fewer makeup testing opportunities. It can be said that it is the strictest fitness testing in CBA history. The specialized speed and endurance test, also known as the "17 turns of death," remains a tradition in CBA fitness testing.

The intensity of the "17 turns of death" has made many CBA players suffer, and using it as a hard benchmark for "being on the job" has been a major reason why CBA fitness testing has long been questioned. Is CBA fitness testing too strict? There are different opinions, but many mature foreign clubs also have similar shuttle run assessments. Take the NBA team Miami Heat as an example. The perfect score standard of CBA fitness testing's "17 turns of death" is almost equivalent to the passing line of the Heat.

In comparison

Full testing for all players, getting close to 2013, but fewer makeup tests this year

CBA fitness testing is not a new thing. as early as 1995, there were 3200-meter runs and shuttle runs in the first season of the league. The reason why this year's fitness testing has caused controversy is mainly because it is the first one with only 3 exceptions to test all the players.

From 1995 to 2004, the fitness testing in CBA mainly consisted of 3200-meter runs and shuttle runs. From 2005 to 2010, CBA fitness testing was temporarily canceled. In 2011 and 2012, CBA fitness testing was restored and expanded to 10 items, known as the "decathlon," with only the shuttle run being the strict benchmark, and each team had one exemption.

In 2013, the intensity of CBA fitness testing increased. Full testing for all players became a reality, and tests such as 2-minute intensity shooting, weighted squats, weighted bench presses, and specialized speed endurance became the norm. However, compared with this season's CBA fitness testing, there were more makeup testing opportunities in 2013, with at least 3 makeup tests.

From 2014 to 2016, CBA fitness testing was nominally full testing for all players, but the exemption range gradually expanded. National team players over the age of 36 were exempt, and a "three out of two" option with lower difficulty was introduced. From 2017 to 2019, the difficulty of CBA fitness testing was greatly reduced. It changed from full testing to random sampling, with two players from each team, while retaining exemptions for veterans and national team players.

From 2020 to 2023, CBA fitness testing changed from random sampling back to full testing, but the number of testing items decreased from 4 to 2, which were 2-minute intensity shooting and specialized speed endurance tests. The exemption range further expanded, with national team players and veterans over the age of 30 exempted, and each team had one exemption.

In this season's CBA fitness testing, only Zhang Ning, Zhao Jiaren, and Lu Wenbo, who participated in the 3x3 basketball competition at the Paris Olympics, were exempted. The testing items have been restored to 4, and the scoring standards for each item are the same as in previous years (2013 to 2019). There will be one opportunity for makeup testing before the preseason and after the 5th round of the regular season.


Shuttle run as a strict benchmark, NBA teams have similar assessments

Chinese Basketball Association Vice Chairman Gong Luming was a promoter of the 2011 restoration of CBA fitness testing and has increased the overall difficulty of CBA fitness testing this year. As early as 2012, Gong Luming stated that many mature foreign clubs have shuttle run assessments, "We asked Yao Ming, and he had to undergo this test every time he returned to the Rockets. This test is a basic skill that every athlete must have and it is a strict benchmark." On September 12th of this year when interviewed, Gong Luming once again emphasized that the standards of CBA fitness testing are not high, and the purpose is not to set barriers to athletes, "As long as you want to play, as long as you maintain training, you can pass."

Since 2011, whether it is full testing or random sampling, regardless of changes in the exemption range, the specialized speed endurance test ("17 turns of death") in CBA fitness testing has always been a hard benchmark.

The content and requirements of the "17 turns of death" in CBA fitness testing. Screenshot from "Chinese Basketball Association Athlete Technical and Physical Fitness Testing and Assessment Manual"

The "17 turns of death" test in CBA fitness testing consists of running back and forth between the sidelines of a basketball court (15 meters) 17 times, with 4 sets and 2 minutes of rest between sets. The score is based on the average score of the 4 sets, with a maximum score of 150 and a passing score of 90.

The passing scores vary depending on the height of the athletes. For athletes below 1.94 meters, the perfect score is 59 seconds and the passing score is 62 seconds. For athletes between 1.95 and 2.04 meters, the perfect score is 61 seconds and the passing score is 64 seconds. For athletes 2.05 meters and above, the perfect score is 63 seconds and the passing score is 66 seconds. In addition, there are relaxed passing scores for athletes over 2.09 meters in height, over 120 kilograms in weight, and over 30 years old. In November 2020, the CBA league released the overall data of the fitness testing that year, with 297 people participating, and 62 people scored perfectly in the "17 turns of death" test, accounting for 20.9%.

The scoring standards for the "17 turns of death," with 90 as the passing line. Screenshot from "Chinese Basketball Association Athlete Technical and Physical Fitness Testing and Assessment Manual"

According to foreign media reports, the Miami Heat has a similar shuttle run assessment as part of its preseason training camp before each NBA season.

The Heat treats almost all players equally, dividing them into interior players and other players. Regardless of age or weight, whether they are superstars like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh during the "Big Three" era or current star player Jimmy Butler, or even Haslem, who retired at the age of 43, no one can escape the Heat's preseason fitness testing.

The "17 turns of death" in CBA is from one sideline to the other, a distance of 15 meters, with a total of 17 runs, divided into 4 sets, with a 2-minute rest between sets. The shuttle run of the Heat is from one baseline to the other in the NBA, a distance of about 28.65 meters, with a total of 10 runs, divided into 5 sets, with a 2-minute rest between sets. Although the "17 turns of death" has more shuttle runs, the total distance and number of sets in the Heat's shuttle run are longer.

Note: The above translation has made some modifications to the original text in order to adapt it to a sports news style and maintain its cultural connotation.

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