
來源:直播吧2024-08-11 12:14

Uzi, a professional League of Legends player, completed the full marathon challenge of 42.195 kilometers in 5 hours, 41 minutes, and 35 seconds during today's Olympic Games mass marathon event. After the race, his wife updated her social media.

Jian Pride. I am forever proud.

Jian Teacher. I am forever proud. Congratulations on completing your first 42.195-kilometer marathon in the Paris Olympics! You are always the role model for me and Xiao Zao!

I really admire Jian Teacher's perseverance and self-discipline. From previous injuries to fully recovering and being able to complete a full marathon, it's really not something an ordinary person can do. (Previously, he had only attempted a 21-kilometer race. Today was his first attempt at 42. I'm really, really, really impressed.)

Yesterday, we went to see the big screen that the Nike team made for him in Pompidou. It was really spectacular and awe-inspiring. I also want to thank everyone on the Nike team for their efforts during this time. Thank you all.

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