
來源:直播吧2024-08-16 16:04

Isabella Mersades, who plays Tina in the hit TV series The Last Survivor, recently gave an interview to the media. During the interview, Mersades revealed that her co-star Katelyn DeVore, who plays Abby, received additional security on set. "Some people really dislike Abby's character, but she's not a real person," Mersades said. "Because of that, Katelyn needed extra security while filming."

It is reported that the storyline and character development of Abby in The Last Survivor 2 have been highly controversial. Therefore, it remains uncertain whether the TV series will completely adhere to the original storyline. ScreenRant believes that if Abby kills Joel, played by Pedro Pascal, again in the series, it is likely to spark massive controversy and criticism.

In addition to the dislike for Abby's character, DeVore herself has also been a subject of controversy. Many people believe that she is not suitable for the role due to the significant differences in appearance and physique from the original Abby. There have been voices suggesting that she should have played Ellie instead of Abby.

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