iG少一人無法阻擋 No[o]ne藍貓高地團戰C9強勢淘汰

來源:直播吧2024-08-22 20:12

T1's last event before FISSURE Universe 3, the main tournament, kicked off tonight. iG, who advanced from the Play-In stage, was placed in Group B and will face off against C9 in the loser's bracket after losing to the Falcons yesterday.

In the second game, iG chose an Alchemist lineup, but they never had an economic advantage from the laning phase onwards. C9 didn't rush to push high ground either, and the two teams went back and forth until around the 40-minute mark when Kataomi's Abaddon disconnected. After the time-out, the referee resumed the game, and iG fought 5v4 to secure the third Roshan. However, C9's No[o]ne Blue Cat outplayed them in the subsequent high ground fights. Monet's Alchemist bought back and died, and C9 won the game with a base push, eliminating iG even with one player down.

Game 1: ? FISSURE Universe S3: Watson's Luna is unstoppable, C9 wins the first game

Banning phase:

Radiant C9: DM Disruptor, Kataomi Pudge, Fishman Grimstroke, watson Windranger, No[o]ne Abaddon

Dire iG: xNova Jakiro, Boboka Sniper, Monet Alchemist, JT Beastmaster, NothingToSay Earthshaker

Post-match data:

Game details:

【0 minutes】 C9's level 1 team fight at the high ground successfully catches xNova's Jakiro! First blood goes to Kataomi's Pudge!

【0 minutes】 iG strikes back, with Boboka's Sniper taking down watson's Windranger who was trying to pick up the rune!

【7 minutes】 No[o]ne's Abaddon ganks bot, coordinating with teammates to take down JT's Beastmaster! They then regroup and gank again, resulting in JT's consecutive deaths!

【9 minutes】 C9's four-man rotation in the river kills NTS's Tidehunter, while iG's two supports end up being slept and caught by DM's Disruptor, resulting in a 0-3 exchange! C9 has a 2K gold lead!

【13 minutes】 NTS's Tidehunter is caught and brought back by Kataomi's Pudge, resulting in his death. C9 focuses fire and kills xNova's Jakiro as well. A 0-2 exchange!

【16 minutes】 Mid-lane team fight, NTS+xNova are eliminated, but DM's Disruptor gets killed by Monet's Alchemist in return. NTS's Tidehunter saves watson's Windranger with his own death. Ultimately, 2-2 exchange!

【18 minutes】 C9 groups up and takes the first Roshan with No[o]ne's Abaddon! C9 is ahead by 4K in terms of economy! However, Blue Cat is killed in front of their Tier 2 tower by Monet's Alchemist+JT's Beastmaster combo!

【22 minutes】 iG groups up and smokes, but C9 counter-smokes. No[o]ne's Abaddon continuously pulls iG's heroes, and DM's Disruptor's ultimate instantly kills NTS's Tidehunter! iG's formation is broken apart, and only Monet's Alchemist escapes alive! When iG tries to turn the fight around, Monet's Alchemist gets hooked by Blue Cat's Pudge and dies instantly! In these two team fights, C9's economic advantage reaches 6K!

【28 minutes】 In the top lane team fight, the off-laners from both teams trade places. Then, Monet's Alchemist activates BKB, takes some damage, and manages to kill Fishman's Grimstroke by himself! iG wins the fight with a 2-3 exchange, but they can't contest the second Roshan attempt by C9 and have to retreat. C9 takes the second Roshan and Blue Cat gets the Aegis!

【33 minutes】 In the bot-lane high ground fight, Tidehunter jumps in and, with Alchemist's help, takes down Grimstroke, forcing Fishman to buy back. C9 takes down Boboka's Sniper in return. Both teams disengage.

【36 minutes】 Kataomi's Pudge precisely hooks Monet's Alchemist+JT's Beastmaster, allowing watson's Windranger to secure a double kill! C9 then pushes down iG's bot-lane high ground and forces them to defend their barracks!

【42 minutes】 Kataomi's Pudge experiences a power outage and calls for a pause. After the pause, the game resumes, and Multiple players from iG go for the third Roshan. In the first team fight, C9 manages to kill Tidehunter after he jumps in and uses his ultimate. However, iG's formation is disrupted by xNova's Jakiro, resulting in three deaths. Monet's Alchemist takes a triple kill! iG wins the fight with 2-4 exchange and secures the third Roshan. Monet's Alchemist gets the Aegis! The gold difference is now even!

【45 minutes】 iG groups up and pushes down the bot lane!

【49 minutes】 C9 wins a high ground fight and wants to immediately push iG's high ground, but Monet's Alchemist, who bought back, and his teammates turn the fight around with a 0-3 exchange! watson's Windranger also falls! iG then pushes down C9's mid lane high ground and turns their attention to the top lane. However, No[o]ne's Blue Cat continuously pulls and kills iG's backline supports! Monet's Alchemist is left alone and dies after buying back! C9 returns a 0-3 exchange to iG! Finally, C9 directly pushes down their base and ends the game instantly! iG is eliminated!

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