PraY談Gumayusi:AD就像雞蛋 中後期才堪稱蛋炒飯

來源:直播吧2024-08-24 14:07

PraY: Gumayusi is an aggressive player, in my opinion. I'm not sure if it's because of Keria's presence. He's a fierce laner.

Interviewer: So, he has some sort of talent?

PraY: Yes. I don't know much about Gumayusi's other aspects, but in terms of showmanship, players are usually more reserved and don't express themselves much. But Gumayusi does things like imitating Zeratul's shoot-the-breeze move during post-game celebrations, and I really like that.

Interviewer: This kind of idol-like quality must be helpful for professional players, right?

PraY: I think that depending on how much charisma a player can show, their fanbase will also increase accordingly. In that regard, I would rate him a perfect score (and it wouldn't be an exaggeration).

Interviewer: What do you think is Gumayusi's best champion?

PraY: As for champions he plays well, it's like Varus, who showed exceptional carry ability in 2023. I think Gumayusi and Keria should be paired together, like Lulu-Lucian, Jinx-Lux, and Varus with some kind of support.

Interviewer: Speaking of Gumayusi, the most famous thing about him is the AD egg theory. What do you think about it?

PraY: I completely agree and support it. Compared to being active in the early game, ADCs are better off being active in the mid-to-late game.

Interviewer: Because Gumayusi is relatively young, you haven't faced him in matches, right? Have you encountered him in solo queue?

PraY: I would be scared to encounter Gumayusi in solo queue. He always pings... I ran into him a few times before I retired, and he's very strict with supports who play poorly. Although I didn't main support, when I occasionally played support against him, I was afraid because he's a fierce laner. So in solo queue as well, whether or not the enemy jungler comes, I just keep attacking recklessly. If none of my skills land, then I feel like I'm in trouble.

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