李霄鵬:為讓大家失望而感到抱歉 希望盡快走出困境 未來會全力以赴

來源:直播吧2024-07-23 00:31

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today's game saw all of our players giving their best. In the first half, it's fair to say that we were caught in chaos and fear, and I take a great deal of responsibility for this result. Our substitutions and adjustments were all one step too late and not timely enough. I hope that through the training sessions starting tomorrow, we can continuously improve and develop better understanding among all the players. Each coaching stint for me is like an adventurous journey, and we can only work hard and give our all in the upcoming matches to quickly overcome this predicament. Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to all the fans who came out to support us in this humid and hot weather. I apologize for disappointing you, and we will give our utmost effort moving forward.

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