混血球員張洪福連續三場替補 曾為08年齡段國青隊核心

來源:直播吧2024-08-20 16:36

China U-16 national team have had three matches in the current "Peace Cup" invitational tournament. Notably, Zhang Hongfu, a mixed-race player from the Evergrande Football School, has been on the bench for all three games and has not had the opportunity to start.

Zhang Hongfu, who plays as a center-back, was originally one of the key members of the 2008-age-group national youth team and also served as captain. During the team's training camp in Germany, Zhang Hongfu impressed the coaches of the Borussia Monchengladbach youth team. However, his performances in the four-nation tournament in Romania in April this year also sparked controversy due to some of his mistakes.

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