
來源:theathletic2024-08-21 12:36

Liverpool’s former chief data analyst, Ian Graham, recently spoke about the signing of Nunez in an interview with The Athletic. Graham praised Nunez's impressive performance against Liverpool, which had an impact. However, he questioned whether Nunez's style of play would fit into Liverpool's system. Graham wondered if the team would need to change their tactics or style of play to accommodate him. While acknowledging Nunez's talent, Graham also considered whether it would be worth making such changes for him. This is something Liverpool has resisted doing for many years.

Graham emphasized the importance of data analysis in evaluating Nunez and other players. It is crucial to understand the extent of the impact Nunez can have on the team. Moreover, Graham questioned whether Liverpool would fully utilize him. In his book, Graham discusses the categorization of players and understanding their roles, which is different from evaluating their overall skill level. There is a list of players who are excellent but may not be suited for Liverpool.

Graham clarified that he would not say that the data analysis suggested Nunez is not a good fit for Liverpool. Instead, he wants everyone to understand whether Nunez is suitable for Liverpool and if there is a position that fits him in the current team. When a team invests a significant amount of money in a player, they expect him to be a regular starter. The worst-case scenario is spending a lot of money on a player who fails to showcase his true potential.

In summary, Graham's comments shed light on the considerations and complexities involved in signing a player like Nunez. While recognizing his talent, Liverpool must determine if he can contribute effectively to their system without sacrificing the team's overall style of play. This thoughtful approach ensures that the team maintains its competitiveness while making informed decisions in player recruitment.

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