昏迷七天之後 沙特國腳墜樓事件轉院緊急進行 警方拘留目擊者

來源:直播吧2024-09-19 20:18

19th September – According to Saudi media outlet Middle East News, the Saudi national team player, Al-Muwallad, who fell from a building, will be transferred to Riyadh for further treatment.

Ever since the accident on 12th September where Al-Muwallad fell from his second-floor balcony, he has been in a coma for seven days. Witnesses have reported that there were no visible injuries on Al-Muwallad's face and he appeared to be sleeping peacefully on the intensive care bed. However, his skull, neck, and other parts of his body have suffered severe impact.

Sources have revealed that Dubai police have concluded their investigation this morning and will release the findings after summoning relevant witnesses. Some individuals who were with Al-Muwallad have been taken into custody, but it is unclear what actions have been taken against them.

In the previous match against the Chinese men's team, Al-Muwallad came on as a substitute and played for 18 minutes, helping Saudi Arabia secure a 2-1 victory with ten men.

【Related News】Saudi media: In critical condition, the injured Saudi national team player who fell from a building is unable to undergo surgery due to the poor quality of the CCTV footage from the scene.

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